About Two Birds Coffee
Welcome to our site and we are stoked you want to know about us! We are a family business (as you can see by all our exact same last names). If there is one thing we are certain of, it’s this: An organic, environmentally and equity conscious farm in Guatemala is not sustainable if it remains dependent on the C-Market.
Our mission is to provide economic stability to coffee farms that provide economic and environmental stability to its employees and communities.
This involves minimizing the farms’ ecological footprint, promoting organic practices, paying employees a livable and dignified wage, and providing a quality cup of coffee. We seek to work with farms in Guatemala and roasters in the US that truly value the environment, their employees, and their communities in a manner that is sustainable for all our stakeholders. We hope you let us be part of your coffee journey!
History of Two Birds.
Two Birds Coffee started through observation of how difficult it was to be an equity and environmentally conscious coffee producer and how to make it better for them.
Meet the Team.
More about each of us and our perspective roles!